
Create web applications with a brilliant and user-friendly UI using React.js

Our team’s hands-on experience with this technology enables us to build scalable, well-structured, user-friendly yet beautiful and secure digital products.

Why choose React.js?

React is an open-source front-end library for building user interfaces. The 'js' in its name stands for JavaScript. React.js allows building complex user interfaces using reusable components. With this technology, the development process is faster as the developers do not have to rewrite the same lines of code manually, but instead are able to reuse previously created components. Because React is based on Javascript, the web application created can give the user a rich and interactive experience like an application with interactive features compared to more static HTML/CSS pages.

React.js in a nutshell

  • Most popular and widespread JS framework
  • User-friendly and flexible
  • Fast development
  • Open-source
  • Highly-performing
  • Easily transitioned to mobile app
  • Longevity thanks to a vast community of developers and maintenance
  • Sustainable and stable
  • User-friendly
  • Great for developing MVPs (Minimum Viable Products)

Why work with us?

+150 satisfied customers

15 employees

2000 as a year of establishment

Billede af fire Drupal-priser, vi blev tildelt med

We specialize in developing meaningful web solutions with open-source technologies. At Linkfactory, we strive to offer you the best web solutions so you can focus solely on your business and your customers' journey. We help build platforms that you can easily manage and deliver content across all channels. We use our expertise and best practices on a daily basis so that we provide better and faster websites. 

Our developers have a strong hand-on experience in building React-based digital solutions. We have a long tradition of delivering rich websites and applications with the most popular frameworks: React, Vue, and Angular.

What to learn more about how React.js can benefit your company? Drop us a line - we are more than happy to discuss the possibilities of a joint project.



We offer Drupal optimized hosting for our customers. Choose the solution that suits you.


Support & SLA

Choose a Drupal agency that gives high priority to support and responds quickly when everything has to work around the clock after the project is finished. Get full support, including agreement on automatic security updates.



10 years of experience in developing websites and applications for well-known brands with Drupal - the most flexible CMS system with state-of-the-art technologies.

Need something else?  

Contact us and we will find a solution. If we are not experts in the field of your interest, we are the first to say so. We can also offer dedicated developers for your project.


Hire a team

If you are looking for a team specialized in this technology, we can help. Learn more on the "Hire a team" page or simply use our contact form to write to us directly. We’ll be more than happy to consult if the technology will be the most optimal for your project.

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